Everyone here has already lost internet while jumping with a dinosaur on an offline page.
Now it is possible to play online and for money, DINOR CASH, this script is tested and 100% bug-free.
The installation method is the same as SubwaySurfer's and MarioCash, Upload SQL file, and
Configure conectarbanco.php* files
Of the 3 Games it is the most stable. Follow the demo for more questions.
the payment gateway is SuitPay, if you want to change the script and send new updates feel free,
I hope to see the password for the other files from now on.
Live Preview: https://www.pixmania.website/dino/
Let us know your thoughts or requests in the comments section below.
Free fonts used: Poppins & Open-Sans.
We are available for a new project, let's bettkingstone@gmail.com
Thank you! π