22 screen designs prepared with care. The websites we visit, the mobile applications we use constantly and even the products we use if we go further, the elements that make up the city we live in; All of them are being developed day by day in order to facilitate the lives of us users and provide a better experience, and the habits of the users affect these developments in the right direction. And users now prefer those that are more useful and provide a better experience, rather than these services with visual beauty at the forefront.
** Figma was created using auto layout or component. Colors and fonts can be changed from one place. This template includes 4 unique and modern User Interface screens in Figma format. You can easily edit and customize using Figma.**
It’s crafted beautifully so you can easily for remix and update each section to create your own portfolio website. This web theme offers complete customization and well organized Figma with component, text styles and named layers.