The goal of this presentation and its role in the sales process is to generate interest in learning more about your company, your products and your services.
MDA4 is a 40-page Adobe Indesign Template based on a precise typographic grid. This layout is a multipurpose Leave Behind, easy to use, edit and customize. You can print it or publish online to the web and share it on social networks, over email, or as a standalone url.
Adobe 2020: InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, Google Spredsheet
Free Google Fonts
MDA4 Templates:
40 Pages, CMYK, Print Ready, A4 (id)
Din A4: 8.3 x 11.7 inches (id)
Editable colors and shapes
1 Stylish Cover
FREE 35 Exclusive vector icons as part of the MD identity (ai)
1 Md brand mark (ai)
Technical Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Document Setup: A4, Facing Pages, Margins, Print, CMYK, 300 DPI
Grid + Baseline Grid: 10 Columns
Layout: Table Of Contents: Level 1
A WORD/DOC set of paragraph styles: Title, Sutitle, Normal, Heading 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Paragraph Style Options: Indents and Spacing: Align to Grid: All Lines
Stock Photos: 2 Sources: Unsplash and Pexels.