Nextro Able Bootstrap Admin Template - Nextro Able dashboard template built using Bootstrap 4 framework. It is a free lite version, If you want to explore standard features check the premium version Nextro Able Dashboard Template will complete your admin dashboard needs.
Nextro Able admin template comes with a variety of components like Alert, Button, Badges, Breadcrumb, Pagination, Card, Collapse, Carousel, Progress, Modal, Spinner, Tabs & Pills, Toasts, Icons, Form Elements, Table, Charts, Maps & Authentication Pages.
The code structure is highly flexible to use and modify.
Nextro able Built using the latest Bootstrap Framework & support of NPM-Gulp build process for enhancing web developing experience.
Nextro able to contain all features and elements to create a simple to complex web application or project.
Its design adapts to any screen size easily even if retina screens (retina tested).
It is a modern concept dashboard design with eye-catchy colors.
Wish you happy to use our product in your project.