Ride on solid & expandable foundation code
Rider performance is made of the latest Bootstrap 5 in combination with Gulp, Webpack, Yarn, NPM configs and unified with Sass, Javascript, Typescript. Admin dashboard components have lazy initialization via HTML attributes, so no more repeating JS code. You will have quality documentation with features usage demos and code examples that easy to copy & paste.
Ready-to-use pages
Integrated native custom scrollbars, 30 popular 3rd party plugins (see full list below in package details), 100 UI Elements, and 40 In-house components built exclusively with Sass and Javascript without jQuery dependency.
35 Pre-build pages
Account, Authentication pages, Subscriptions app, Chat app, Email Templates, "404" and "505" Errors, Invoice, Pricing, FAQ, About us and advanced multi-step wizard.
Easy ride on the flat user interface
The dashboard has a clean UI with UX in mind. Unique rounded style globally applied to every single element. Rider PRO flexible CSS utility classes build on top of Bootstrap 5 will cover almost all your design needs. You can customize widgets, charts, tables without changing any single line of Sass. The dashboard replicates the same desktop content on mobile devices.
By KeenThemes
Within the last 10 years, we have sold over 100,000 admin theme copies that have been successfully deployed by small businesses to global enterprises from around the world. Our goal is to provide a complete and robust theme solution to boost all of our customers project deployments, by allowing them to launch their projects in the shortest amount of development time at a ridiculously low cost.
Rider HTML Pro Package Details