Text Styles Bundle for Sketch

Text Styles Bundle for Sketch

This pack of goodies is best for Sketch designers! This text style bundle for sketch will help you generate nice text on your work in sketch application. You can either import and export these text style bundle, by using the Shared Text Styles plugin to make it quick. This awesome Sketch plugin was created by BuninDmitry and it definitely shows that it is professionally done.

Feel free to download for your own personal project!

You will get:

  • Double font template;
  • Single font template;
  • Web UI preview;
  • and Mobile UI preview.

If you enjoy the Sketch plugins here on our site, don't forget to share with your friends and please click follow so you will be notified for more cool products in the future.

You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download

Special thanks to Bunin Dmitriy (https://dribbble.com/BuninDmitry) for designing and working for this. You can visit their website at https://www.buninux.com

Your feedback and opinions are very important to us! Should you have a question, concern or suggestion - don't hesitate to reach us out on our social media pages and we'll answer as soon as we can.

You may also email us at contact@epicpxls.com

Thank you and enjoy designing!
EpicPxls <3