Uilarax v1.0 - Admin dashboard UIkitPremium

Uilarax v1.0 -  Admin dashboard UIkit
Uilarax v1.0 -  Admin dashboard UIkit
Uilarax v1.0 -  Admin dashboard UIkit
Uilarax v1.0 -  Admin dashboard UIkit

This production-ready kit was designed and fully coded to speed up your creative process with 50+ meticulously crafted templates for both web and mobile applications in light and dark mode.

Kickstart your design process for a wide variety of apps such as calendar, analytics, virtual assistant, file manager, chat, maps, project management, contacts, or mix up different components for any other purposes.

The product package includes Figma design files and documented code with a Sketch version coming in January as a free update. Click on the live preview to see it in action.


28 screens
100+ Components
Coded HTML Templates
Responsive design
Light + Dark modes
Quick-start documentation

Have any feedback or requests? Let us know in the comments πŸ™Œ

We are available for a new project, let's kyanyhamed8@gmail.com

Thank you! 🎊