Sketch resources

4 resources that can be used with Sketch. All resources are reviewed and of high quality.


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Diversity Avatars preview picture
Jan 17, 2020
🎉Let’s celebrate our diversity! 🎉 "It’s of primary importance to be aware of the existence of diversity dimensions an...
AVATARS - User Profile Icons preview picture
Dec 01, 2019
AVATARS set is a dummy user profile icons package for your website users. Thanks for considering this avatar icon pac...
User Avatars for Sketch preview picture
Nov 18, 2019
Here's a set of 21 user avatars. Elegant and clean avatar for any kind of project. plug in for Sketch and Adobe XD If...
User avatars preview picture
Oct 24, 2018
Here's a set of 21 user avatars created with Sketch just for you guys, and it is ready to use. This project comes wit...
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