Adobe Xd resources

2 resources that can be used with Adobe Xd. All resources are reviewed and of high quality.


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Language Learning App preview picture
Sep 26, 2023
Another language learning app concept.
Duolingo Language Learning Redesign preview picture
Sep 26, 2023
Here is a new and fresh version of a Duolingo Language Learning app design.
Creative Landing Page Design preview picture
Jul 09, 2022
Free Fonts Adobe-XD file Custom Icons Customizable Fully Clean and Modern Design Images credit - https://www.pexels.c...
Brand Sales Shopping - Discounts, Deals & Offers UI/UX Design preview picture
Feb 25, 2021
Modern, clean, cool, elegant and sleek design for a brands shopping app.
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  • EpicPxls / Mobile Apps review - FixThePhoto
  • EpicPxls / Vidico video production